Our dream baby through IVF💜💙

Anderson, IN (US)
Created 2 years ago
Fertility Treatments

Our dream baby through IVF💜💙

by Jayme Dollens

Rated 0 out of 5
  • $27,000.00

    Fundraiser Goal
  • $185.00

    Funds Raised
  • 578

    Days to go
$185.00 raised of $27,000.00 Goal
Minimum amount is $ Maximum amount is $ Please input donation amount
Anderson, IN (US)

Jayme Dollens is organizing this fundraiser.

Campaign Story >

Campaign Story

My name is Jayme and my partners name is Will. In 2019 i had my first ectopic pregnancy on the right side which resulted in losing my right tube and my right ovary. In the years since I did everything possible to have a healthy pregnancy. I had my hormones checked, my tube checked, took prenatal vitamins everyday. Finally, we got pregnant in 2023 we were so excited. I was scared though cause of my prior ectopic pregnancy. I called my obgyn as soon as I knew I was pregnant and asked for an ultrasound for it to fall on deaf ears. They had me get my blood drawn several times and said everything was fine because my HCG levels were rising correctly. I woke up one morning with the worst pain I have ever felt in my stomach. I couldn’t hold anything down all I kept doing was puking and couldn’t even walk. I knew something was wrong with my baby, I prayed and prayed to God that my baby was okay. I went to the emergency room, only to find out that I was having yet another ectopic pregnancy. I feel like I’ve been failed by the obgyn I was seeing considering he’s the one who removed my tube prior to this one.! This was an 8 week pregnancy, baby had a heartbeat and it resulted in my tube rupturing inside of me and I was bleeding internally. If I would’ve been given an ultrasound over a month prior maybe I would still have my left tube. I have one ovary to work with, which leaves us with IVF. As many of you know the cost for IVF is outrageous. We so badly want a baby and the financial burden is the only thing holding us back now. Anything helps, even if you just share our story, or pray to God that we get financial help with IVF. We appreciate anything and everything that can help us welcome a precious baby into our arms. Thank you to each and every one who helps us in this journey.

  • 09-19-2023

    Still need help

    We havent even received a dollar. I feel like I'm not worthy enough to have a baby I guess I wish someone anyone would share and help!

Name Donation Date
Katie staton $25.00 October 03, 2023
Heather Shugats $50.00 October 03, 2023
Samantha Aguirre $10.00 October 02, 2023
Shileshia Milligan $100.00 October 02, 2023
Heather Shugats commented with a $50 donation about 1 year ago
You are absolutely worthy of a healthy beautiful baby. Praying for your babies in heaven and for you to be able to hold your own baby soon. As a fellow IVF mama, the fight is long and hard, but so worth it. Praying for you and your love.🖤
Samantha Aguirre commented with a $10 donation about 1 year ago
I wish you the best! You are worthy 🌸